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Newsletter April 2025
Thanks to Dave Headon for organising the annual Domino knockout at our February club night. It provided great entertainment for 20 people with the final being contested by the oldest and youngest entrants, Dennis Marwood and Victoria Feldon, with youth prevailing.

We were sad to hear of the death of our friend Bill Lincoln a massive presence for many years in the Northumbrian Section and VMCC.

Best wishes to Roy Sturgeon and Howard Duddles for their recovery after hospital visits.

The Committee are working on a number of events:

Spring Lamb Run April 23 which is a Wednesday - Details to follow

Quaker weekend with Saturday social run and a 90 mile run on Sunday May 18th, visiting Reeth,. Please enter in advance to assist catering.

June:-14th Social Run and Concours, Evening Excursion 26th.

July:-Sunset Run 8th, Vintage vehicle show Darlington Town Centre, 12th

Chairman Run 13th.

Further details and entry forms will be available on the section website or at Club nights
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